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Considering Writing a Book? Publish your Story


May 17, 2024 - Recently, I had a conversation with a couple of leaders from my church. At one point, we discussed our hobbies, and I shared that I was a writer who had published a couple of poetry collections. When asked about my publishing process, I shared my Amazon self-publishing journey, acknowledging how a good friend from college, Qualia Hendrickson, Esq., “Q,” guided me through the process as she was in the process of building her own book publishing consultation company, Q Writes a Book. Responding to that question about my book publishing journey made me wonder whether most people perceive self-publishing as a complex process. While it can be difficult at times, publishing your first book can be fun if you have the determination and the support to bring your story to fruition.

As a creative, my book process began in 2017 while I was completing my master’s degree at UNC Greensboro. While taking a break from class assignments, I began organizing digital files around my future goals: publish a book. I knew that Bring Me Back Home New Orleans, the title poem from my first published poetry collection, would be the first book that I published. This part was easy because I leaned into what poems felt the most natural for me to release to the world. So, before you publish your first book, lean into what subject matter or parts of your story (if publishing an autobiographical work) stand out to you.

Three years later, in 2020, as I—like the rest of the world—navigated the uncertain and often stressful life circumstances perpetuated by COVID-19, Q and I spoke about publishing Bring Me Back Home, New Orleans. After a failed attempt to be published by a university press through their submission contest, Q invited me to be her first client, gratis, for Q Writes a Book, offering to guide me through the self-publishing route as my book publishing consultant. I immediately said “Yes!” because having known Q for nearly ten years at this point—her grit and expertise at setting deadlines—I knew she was the best person to motivate me to see this book project to completion.

On that note, I encourage you to seek help from a trusted person to guide you through your first book publishing project. Q and I were both working full-time, but we each made the time to carry Bring Me Back Home to fruition. Apart from giving me editing advice—including advice on where to add more content—Q connected me to another creative who edited the dimensions of my book cover to fit Amazon’s publication standards. The editing process takes the longest, so if you have a hard deadline to publish your book, plan accordingly.
The self-publishing journey can be a very rewarding experience. Remember to choose the content your soul feels best represents you, select a trusted person or team to guide you and be patient with the process. The world will patiently wait for you.
Considering, Writing, a Book


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