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Take Note, Then Vote.

As we witness, in real-time, the shift that is taking place in the church and the world as a whole, we also have the unique ability to guide or modify our future within the Will of God. Knowing this, what does your anticipated future look like?

It is election season! It is public knowledge that each and every one of us is vital to the voting process in the United States of America, voluntarily or involuntarily. It is imperative that we cast our ballots in the preliminary and primary elections. This is not just to say we voted, make a post on social media, and do nothing else. We must really evaluate why we are okay with not being represented and what we will do about it going forward. Will we invest and partner with the already relevant and established organizations? Will we do better with promoting the information “Project 100” is disseminating? Can we encourage those who are not afraid to stand alone and speak up to run for office? Or will we remain “politically correct” by failing to communicate what we know and who we will vote for? IN MY PERSONAL OPINION, THAT SEEMS TO BE LATENT EFFECTS OF THE WILLY LYNCH ERA.

I myself have decided to be registered as “unaffiliated” almost a decade ago. I think it is less impactful to side one hundred percent with any major or minor political party, but I completely understand why many do. I know some may feel this is counterproductive and defeats the purpose of the parties however, it is people like me that remain unbiased and can see and hear what others may not, just like in Zion.

The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church’s 52nd General Conference is coming up, and you all will be sending us delegates to vote on your behalf. We will be electing some of your new bishops and voting on resolutions presented before us. It is my hope that we approach this upcoming General Conference with the most unbiased intention we can muster. Traveling all over Zion, I have encountered some interesting and even discouraging things while speaking with various people I've never met before. There are plenty of Zionites who are inquisitive like myself, yet I have also met some who lack the interest needed to make sound decisions when voting. I will not go into detail about the disappointing mindsets I've encountered, but I must encourage us all to please stop voting for people simply because you know of them or are from your episcopal districts. Avoid not voting for someone because of their age or because you don't know them personally. Vote for them based on their merit and abilities. Vote only after seeking the counsel of the Holy Spirit so that we, the church, may be in a position to serve effectively and efficiently in these shifting times.

Our vote should be made with the intent to cultivate unity, spread joy, and practice LOVE. In order to see a future with such attributes, we have to communicate better and educate the ignorant in unconventional ways. The governmental elections, as well as our denominational elections, require more of us this time around. Showing up is part of it, but showing up prepared is more effective. So let us do our due diligence and share information, fact check, and maybe even support what and who you truly believe to be best for the collective and not just the rather superficial reasons I've heard in my travels.

It is my hope that, going forward, we hire a team to assist us in doing what we already do but better and more efficiently. This PAID team could do things like build an app and a website where vital information could be housed or even just contribute to the official webpage to be more cost-efficient. We could easily scroll down the names and click their campaign links to read or view what their stance is and then use our discernment to vote for the best to represent the collective. Then, we could use that same information to prevent other gifts and talents from being dimmed or not used to their full potential because of limited positions available. We would be actively building a resource database for years to come. I've met a few candidates who I think would be a great addition, but because they don't have the resources and/or means, they are unable to get the necessary support. Then there are some who we see everywhere but lack a concrete platform and offer nothing but a seat filled. I've also met a couple of candidates who have an extraordinary campaign team, resources, useful handouts, and snacks, coupled with the added benefit that they are extremely qualified and can readily communicate how they will serve and what we can expect them to do if elected.

Overall, it is my prayer that who God intends to serve in those capacities be voted in by prepared and spirit-led delegates and that we look toward using technology paired with the compensated gifts and talents of those able to assist with improving the process in the future. We have too many great minds that are undervalued and underused, which brings a few parables to mind. It also gives me the insufferable urge to speak up and say what so many will not or can not. Let's be better and vote better. Let's ensure that we condition ourselves to hear and understand both the popular as well as the unpopular opinions without casting judgment so that we may be informed, voters. Long gone is the day you can cast a ballot straight down the line because some are not in our best interest. Stop electing delegates that can barely read or comprehend what is at stake or that can not explain what a fiscal year is. The most dangerous delegate is one who has no opinion or thought toward focal matters. Our future deserves more from us.

Vote, Election, Politics, 52nd General Conference


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