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The One Hundred Forty-Second Baccalaureate Service of Livingstone College


As the chief cornerstone institution of higher learning founded by the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, students who matriculate beneath thy maples and thy oaks, are invited to begin their weekend of commencement events, in worship.

The 142nd Baccalaureate Service of Livingstone College was held Friday, May 3, at 7:00 p.m. in Bishop James Varick Auditorium. Presiding Dr. Anthony J. Davis, the thirteenth president, affirmed, “The purpose is to put God before the pomp and circumstance. We must give God time before your big day tomorrow.” Board of Trustees, senior administration, faculty, graduating seniors, and Golden and Silver graduates processed to “Pomp and Circumstance” in their colorful academic regalia, whereas Bishop Darryl B. Starnes Sr., Presiding Prelate of the Piedmont Episcopal District and Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees, provided the Invocation followed by the congregational hymn, “God of Our Fathers.” Rev. Dr. Dwayne A. Walker, Chaplain of the Board of Trustees, read Isaiah 40: 28-31 as the Old Testament scripture.

Board member Dr. Monica Posey conveyed Philippians 3:13-16 as the New Testament reading. Celebrating and thanking God for grace, Livingstone College’s campus minister, Rev. Lloyd Nivens IV, offered a prayer of thanks for saving, rescuing, and protecting the leadership, church, and students at Livingstone College. He implored, “Celebrate what God has allowed us to achieve.”

President Anthony J. Davis introduced the speaker of the hour, Bishop Michael A. Frencher, Presiding Prelate of the Mid-West Episcopal District. President Davis acknowledged Bishop Frencher as “A leader and preacher of the gospel who has demonstrated an invested interest in Livingstone College and the A.M.E. Zion Church.” After the Livingstone College Concert Choir’s selection, “Poor Man Laz’rus,” under the direction of Dr. Kody Wallace, those present were able to attest to the words of President Davis. Explicating Philippians 3:14, Bishop Frencher’s sermon titled, “Pressing Towards the Prize: The Power of the Press,” encouraged graduates to continue to pursue and reach higher goals. Frencher said, “Life is always worthwhile to those busy trying to reach goals.

To reach goals, you must be able to press.” Frencher continued: be positive in your pressing, be persistent in your pressing, and be prayerful in your pressing. The Concert Choir’s second selection was Stacey Gibbs’ arrangement of “Way Over in Beulah Land.” In contrast, President Davis closed with remarks stating to graduates, “Remember who are and whose you are. Livingstone has prepared you to compete and contribute to a global context with competence and confidence. Always put Christ first.”

Closing, Bishop Michael Frencher pronounced the Benediction while those in attendance recessed to Henry Purcell’s “Trumpet Tune.”

The One Hundred Forty-Second, Baccalaureate Service, Livingstone College


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